6 Tips for a Successful Commercial Move

Moving office spaces can be exciting. Maybe your business is growing and you need a bigger space. Maybe you are renting and finally have the funds to purchase your own place. Whatever the reason, moving is a big deal and involves many moving parts in order to be pulled off successfully. From maintaining productivity throughout the move to keeping files and office supplies organized, we have some essential tips for you so you can have a successful commercial move.
Delegate Tasks
Appoint a point person in charge of all moving-related issues. You need someone who will coordinate the process to make sure things run smoothly. Assign other organized members of your team specifics tasks during the moving process, as well. By delegating tasks, you will make sure everything gets done without all the stress falling upon one person.
Design Your New Space
Weeks before your move, spend time creating a layout and design of your new office space that is both practical and on-brand. You want to make sure everyone has somewhere to sit and work, as well as space for any couches, tables, and equipment. Then decide which furniture and equipment you are bringing with you from your old office and what new furniture and equipment you need to purchase.
Take Inventory
In a similar vein, take inventory of all the furniture, equipment, supplies, and accessories you have. Don’t take any clutter with you, and you probably want to get rid of any equipment or furniture that is worn out or broken. This is a good opportunity to update your office equipment and furniture.
Stay Organized
Sort all your papers, supplies, and other items into categories so that they are easy to unpack when you get to your new office space. Employees should keep track of their own files and supplies so they can be ready to go as soon as possible at their new desk. Let employees know which items will be handled by the moving company.
Notify All Relevant People
Notify employees and clients several months in advance so they can be prepared. Employees may need to figure out new travel arrangements to get to work if your new office is not close to your old one. Additionally, contact building managers and find out if there are specific days and times they prefer for your move. Book your moving company well in advance so you can know it’s scheduled and can plan accordingly.
Set Up Your New Office Before the Move
Install as much equipment and services as possible before the actual moving day, including getting your internet set up, so your business can be up and running as quickly as possible after the move. Make sure your phones are connected and, if you have a new phone number, that it is updated on your website and online listings, as well as your new address.
At Big John’s Moving, we will work closely with you to make sure you have a successful commercial move. We will guide you along the way so your move will be organized and you can continue operating for your clients as much as possible during the transition.