8 Simple Ways To Avoid “Scary” Moving Mistakes in 2020

October is a time for all things scary, and moving mistakes can definitely be frightening. We’ve talked a lot about different ways to prepare for moving, but now it’s time to discuss what NOT to do. Moving mistakes can cost you time and money, not to mention add on significant stress. That’s why we are here making sure you don’t end up in a “scary” moving catastrophe (or what feels like a catastrophe). Check out these common moving mistakes and how you can avoid them!
1. Packing in a Disorderly Way
The goal of packing is to be able to move items from one place to another. However, that doesn’t mean throwing things into boxes and calling it a day. If you don’t approach packing in an orderly, organized way, you will never know if you have packed everything, and you will not be able to find anything when it is time to unpack. Additionally, certain items require different kinds of packing materials in order to protect them; that means making sure those items are packed in a specific way or with specific other items.
Part of being orderly while packing is keeping an inventory list and labeling boxes so you can keep track of what you have and what is in each box, thereby ensuring you don’t leave anything behind. It will also help the movers bring the boxes into the appropriate rooms when you arrive at your new space.
2. Neglecting to Declutter Before Packing
Many people accumulate a lot of “stuff” over the years. The packing process is an excellent time to go through everything you own and set aside those items that you no longer need or want. If you skip this process, you will end up paying extra for movers to move (and potentially also pack, if they are packing for you) these items you don’t even really want to be bringing with you. Alternatively, you can sell (and make some cash) or donate these items (and feel good about it), have fewer moving boxes (which saves you money). Plus you won’t have extra clutter to deal with when you unpack. Why bring clutter with you to your new space?
3. Not Planning for Unpacking
As you pack your boxes, don’t forget to think about how you will unpack them. This comes back to being organized while you pack. Keep items packed in categories, and put items you will need right away at the top of your boxes so you can easily access them. Additionally, it’s helpful to pack an overnight bag that you will keep with you and not put in the moving van. In that bag, put toiletries, pajamas, and anything else you want to make sure you have if the moving truck doesn’t arrive at your new home right away or if you arrive at your new home late at night and are too wiped to start unpacking anything. This is especially important if you have young children who you want to take care of right when you arrive.
4. Trying to DIY Your Entire Move
You may think you are saving money by not hiring movers and taking care of all the packing and moving yourself, perhaps with a few friends. However, you will lose out on time (which also means more time off from work)–time you would save if you hired someone to do the work for you. You also run the risk of damaging your heavy or bulky items by not packing or moving them properly. There are also added fuel costs and perhaps rental costs if you are renting a moving van. You may not save as much money as you think by going this route.
5. Waiting Too Long To Book a Moving Company
If you are moving during a popular time such as the summer, the best movers book up quickly. You don’t want to be left with a sketchy or less reputable moving company (especially if it doesn’t have insurance) or a moving company that is too expensive. Make sure to book a moving company three or even four months in advance so you can make sure you have all your needs covered.
6. Not Taking Note of Insurance
If something of value breaks during moving, who is responsible for it? If your moving company has enough insurance, they will often pay you for the damage. Additionally, if your homeowner’s insurance plan covers moving, they may help with cost, as well. Make sure to check both your moving company’s policy and your homeowner’s policy to see how much coverage you will have so you are prepared in case of an accident.
7. Forgetting to Update Your Mailing Address
An extremely common moving mistake people make is neglecting to update their mailing address. That means you could miss out on paying certain bills that get sent to the wrong address, as well as any other important mail. You also want to make sure your payment information is no longer attached to your utilities at your old home.
8. Unique to 2020 and the Covid Pandemic: Neglecting to Check Quarantine Requirements
If you are moving out of state, it’s important to check whether or not a quarantine is required when you get to your new home. It can be an unpleasant surprise to discover that you need to stay in your home for two weeks without being able to go to the grocery store or to your new job. This information is something you need to plan for so that, if you do need to quarantine, you don’t have any obligations during that time and so you can make a plan for acquiring important items like food and toiletries.
It’s always important to research moving companies before you hire them. At Big John’s Moving, we will help you avoid common moving mistakes and pitfalls, and we will even take care of packing for you so you can focus on other important things (like work and family). If you make sure to avoid the mistakes listed above, your moving experience will be smooth and successful!