5 Crucial Questions to Ask Before a Move

A move is a big deal and involves a lot of logistics, so it’s important to make sure you have a plan in place for every step of the way. From finances to information about your new location to packing materials to moving companies, there are many variables to consider when planning your move. We’ve compiled a list of important questions to ask yourself before a move to make sure you are on track.
Questions To Ask Before a Move
1. What is My Budget?
Moving can be pricey, and it’s important to know how much you can spend on your move. From buying moving materials, paying someone else to pack for you, and the cost of a moving company, there are many areas where you can spend–as well as save–money. If you have a high budget and little time to devote to the move itself, it might make sense for you to pay for your moving company to pack for you. If your budget is lower, you may want to pack up yourself. You also should keep in mind how many boxes your moving company allows before they charge you an extra fee.
2. Will I Need Storage?
When you move to a new space, not every furniture, artwork, or other large item may fit the same way it does in your old space. That doesn’t necessarily mean you have to get rid of those belongings. Short- and long-term storage solutions provide you with a space to keep your belongings until you figure out whether you want to keep them and where you will put them. Storage is also useful if you are doing construction on your new place and the home is not yet ready to house all of your possessions.
3. Who Will Pack For Me?
This is a big one–do you have the time to pack for yourself? Or is it easier to pay your moving company to pack for you? Many moving companies offer packing services, and it has several benefits, including giving you your time back so you can go to work and do your evening routine as usual. Movers can also pack in a shorter time than you, so your house will not be in disarray for weeks before you move; you’ll have all the items you need to live your day-to-day life normally. That said, it’s another expense.
4. Which Moving Company Will I Use?
Picking the right moving company is crucial to having a successful move. You want to make sure the company you pick is licensed, insured, fits your budget, and is available to move you on the day of your choice. Make sure you interview a few different companies before choosing, and it’s also a good idea to get recommendations for your friends and family.
5. What Is My Moving Date?
This may seem obvious, but make sure you pick a moving date! You want this date to make sense for your needs, as well as any potential requirements in your place. If you are moving to an apartment building, make sure to find out if there are specific days and times when you aren’t allowed to use the elevator for furniture and large items. Also keep in mind the weather. If you move during a meteorologically-active season, such as the winter, you may need to be flexible and keep a close eye on the weather report.
If you ask yourself these and other questions before a move, you’ll be more than prepared for any scenario that may arise. At Big John’s Moving, our experienced movers can pack for you and make sure your move goes smoothly. We also offer short- and long-term storage solutions for those who need them.