The Ultimate Guide on How to Pack Electronics Safely

Published by Big John's Moving Inc. on

Pack electronics safely

These days, electronics are a huge part of our lives and we rely on them to store important information, provide entertainment, and to perform tasks in our home or business. When you move, the last thing you want is for your important, often expensive electronics to break in the process. Luckily, we have some tips for how to pack electronics safely so they won’t become damaged.

If you’re wondering about how to best pack your other items, you can check out our general packing tips!

Tips To Prepare and Pack Your Electronics Safely

1. Backup Your Files

Before you pack anything, make sure to back up your files on an external hard drive or in cloud storage. This way, if something does happen, you won’t have to deal with lost information. Another way to backup files is to email documents to yourself.

2. Gather User Manuals in One Place

Make sure you have all your user manuals in one folder or box so they are easy to find. This is especially important if you need to dismantle and then re-set up electronic equipment in your new space. You don’t want to be stuck spending hours trying to figure out how to set something up when you could have easily consulted the manual and gotten it done in ten minutes.

3. Remove Batteries

Batteries can overheat and cause damage to your electronics, so it’s best to remove them before your electronic items are packed away, just as a precaution. Even though it’s unlikely that your batteries will overheat, it’s better to be safe than sorry.

4. Charge Your Chargeable Items

Even though you are going to pack all your chargers in an organized way (right?), it’s still a good idea to make sure everything that needs charging is fully charged before you pack it. This way, if you misplace a charger during the move, you can still use the item for a while, giving you time to locate the charger.

5. Remove Wires and Cords

Before packing a computer or TV, make sure you detach all cords and accessories. The metal connectors can actually become damaged if they are stored together for a while.

6. Label All Parts, Cords, and Chargers

You may think you’ll remember which cord and charger goes to which electronic item, but in the hassle of a move, it’s easy to forget. The best thing to do is to label everything so you know what piece goes with which electronic and you can get set up again quickly at your new place.

7. Use Original Packaging

If possible, the best way to pack your electronics safely is in their original packaging, using the foam inserts that precisely fit the pieces of the item. If you don’t have the original packaging, pick a moving box that has enough space to add protective coverings and packing peanuts.

8. Protect Fan from Dust

The fan of your computer and television needs protection so dust doesn’t get trapped inside. The best way to do this is to tape some paper over the vent openings so dust can’t get it.

9. Cover in Bubble Wrap

Protect your electronics from breaking during the moving process by wrapping them in bubble wrap and towels.

10. Cover TVs in Moving Blankets

Large televisions usually won’t fit in a moving box, so you can protect them by using large padded moving blankets. Keep them stored upright against a wall so they have support, and don’t stack any other items on top of them.

Ask Professionals to Pack Your Electronics Safely

If you feel nervous about how to pack your electronics safely, our expert team at Big John’s Moving can help. We have extensive experience in this area and offer packing services so you can focus on other areas of your move. It is always our priority that your belongings arrive to you in the same condition we received them!

Categories: Packing